Lobster and crab are symbols of luxury and fine-dining. Yet, our cultural emphasis on muscle meat means that the nutrient-rich innards of these animals – once considered a delicacy – often goes missing. On the rare occasion when you find a whole lobster or crab, Lobster Thermidor will tempt you to make use of the whole animal. …
Braised Beef Shanks with Marrow and Warm Spices
Beef shanks with luscious marrow are a forgotten treasure of the butcher case. Often overlooked for pricier cuts, they one of the best-kept secrets in the culinary world. When slow-cooked, they become meltingly tender. Here, Braised Beef Shanks with Marrow are infused with aromatic spices and leave a broth of liquid gold. If you’ve never cooked with shanks before, this recipe will make you a believer. Plus, the humble marrow stars as the centerpiece….
Zesty Testes: Vietnamese-Inspired Lamb Testicles
When it comes to nose-to-tail eating, some cuts get a lot of attention—while others, like lamb testicles, remain in the shadows. But these nutrient-dense gems are worth a second look. Packed with B-vitamins and essential minerals, they offer powerful nutritional benefits that might just surprise you. Zesty Vietnamese-Inspired Lamb Testicles takes the leap into unconventional territory so you can discover the tastier side of adventurous eating.…
Breaded Lamb Fries, or Testicles, for Adventurous Eaters
Breaded Lamb Fries with Herbs work as an appetizer or a meal. They taste like chicken and are an easy white-meat sell in the organ meat world – as long as you don’t know or aren’t squeamish about what you are eating! They are also a powerhouse of nutrition. Like an egg, they have half of everything needed to create a life from scratch. Are you feeling adventurous yet?…
Chicken Gizzard Soup with Dill and using all the giblets
You know how when you get a chicken, it has all that stuff inside?
Or, wait… does it?
Well, imagine it does for just a moment. All of the giblets (save the liver) can go in the stockpot. The single liver can be sauteed for a single bite of toast. Or you can squirrel them all away to make a collection of each of them.
Of course you know what to do with the liver. And the hearts. But what about the gizzard?!
Even when the chicken is sold in parts, if all the organs are sold out, there is likely to be some gizzards leftover. They are also very likely to be the cheapest. So, where’s the love!?
Technically, the gizzard is the second stomach of the chicken, and along those lines – I say that it deserves as much love as tripe!
Chicken Gizzard Soup is a great way to make new friends with the last giblet holdout….
Braised Lamb Fries, or ‘Chicken,’ Slow-Cooked in a Tomato Reduction Sauce
This week’s Braised Lamb Fries are a rational response to supply and demand. Even if they must be hidden.
All of my organ meats seem to be a rising commodity these days. Prices have doubled, in some cases tripled. After giving her a hard time, one farmer defended their higher prices last week by explaining to me that ‘there is only one on each animal and they’re very valuable cuts.’ I couldn’t agree more.
But in the meantime, lamb fries can still be had for a pretty good price. In fact, a little less than the former ‘organ meat’ price back when they were not differentiating and marking up more desirable cuts. Naturally, there were plenty left compared to other organs from a recent slaughter. So I bought some.