Why do I feed these offal foods to my children? How could my husband agree to such treatment? What does this look like in practice, via our dinner schedule!? Ahhh, I thought you’d never ask….
Organ meats as an alternative to marijuana?
Fat-soluble vitamins available in organ meats activate the same cannabinoid receptors as active compounds in marijuana. Is this a good alternative?
I recently read an article titled The Pursuit of Happiness by Chris Masterjohn. He’s an academic researcher and his work elaborates on the importance of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K. In this article, he explains how vitamins A and D, along with arachidonic acid are precursors to the internal production of endocannabinoids. The endocannabinoids are the natural compounds that activate the cannabinoid receptors.
These receptors are responsible for the regulation of both dopamine (needed for long-term goal-oriented behavior) and cortisol (the stress hormone). As he notes, “by curbing the excess production of cortisol and supporting adequate production of dopamine, endocannabinoids help prevent excess tension, anxiety, burnout, and feelings of self-defeat and help support the confrontation of challenges with the attitudes necessary for success.”…