Tongue tacos are definitely a thing. Because tongue is a super fatty, meltingly tender meat. And it’s mild in flavor. And it could easily win over even with the skeptical consumer. But why be limited to the second half of the day? If Americans are enjoying cold cereals morning, noon and night – then I advocate we flip that and bring our favorite dinners to the breakfast table. Breakfast Tongue Tacos are a great way to start your day. Plus, it better aligns with the ‘savory, sour, fermented and tepid’ elements we see in breakfasts around the world. …
Our Dinner Schedule and Principles Offered by Weston A Price

Dinner prep: a quick summertime visit to my community garden
Why do I feed these offal foods to my children? How could my husband agree to such treatment? What does this look like in practice, via our dinner schedule!? Ahhh, I thought you’d never ask….