Lobster and crab are symbols of luxury and fine-dining. Yet, our cultural emphasis on muscle meat means that the nutrient-rich innards of these animals – once considered a delicacy – often goes missing. On the rare occasion when you find a whole lobster or crab, Lobster Thermidor will tempt you to make use of the whole animal. …
Julia Child
Braised Sweetbreads with Mushroom Sauce
Braised Sweetbreads with Mushrooms is classic French cooking. A modern cook might simplify and combine steps, but by attending to detail, flavors are perfected along the way and complement the simple sweetbreads. Alas, the mirepoix, bouquet garni, flavorful ham, and broth elevate this dish to rich comfort food. Braised Sweetbreads with Mushrooms are tender, succulent and flavorful. As usual, Mastering the Art of French Cooking does not disappoint. …
Chocolate Mousse with (Hidden) Brains
Happy new year! I used to be opposed to hiding offal in anything. I wanted to respect and honor it and I wanted offal to be front and center, named and acknowledged. But now it doesn’t matter to me. I’ll serve it anyway, anytime. I am not ashamed of it, I am not exactly hiding it, but if no one asks, I don’t need to assert it anymore. A Hunter’s Pie can just be served. And the same goes for Chocolate Mousse….
Fergus Henderson’s Lamb’s Tongue with Turnips and Bacon
Lamb’s Tongue with Turnips and Bacon. The turnips lend earthy and devine. The arugula adds freshness and peppery bite. Bacon takes the whole dish home.
This was a beautiful dish and well worth the effort. But make no mistake, it was just another day and yet another example of things ‘gone wrong’ in my kitchen. But mindset matters. If the outcome is a reflection of me, I’m in a bind. If it’s all an experiment, I can avoid taking it personally and carry on. Even when I’m eager to prepare something ‘beautiful’ and ‘delicious.’…
Kidneys in Butter-Mustard and Parsley Sauce à la Julia Child
Once upon a time, a rat with an exceptional sense of smell determines he wants to cook. “Anyone can cook,” he is told.
He’s separated from his family and ends up as an assistant secretly cooking in one of the finest restaurants in Paris. After discovering he’s a rat, the rest of the kitchen staff quit and he’s forced to prepare a meal by himself for the leading food critic in France.
Reunited with his family, they join his trusted friends to help him prepare the eponymous dish, which is a smashing success.
“Anyone can cook.”…
Chicken Liver Mousse and how to get enough iron
Eating liver is the best way to get enough iron and avoid anemia. For me, the anti-fatigue factor of sufficient iron is the only way to survive a busy schedule! A large batch of Chicken Liver Mousse might be the easiest way to include it in your diet.
The anti-fatigue factor?
There’s a popular 1950s research paper touting the anti-fatigue factor in liver. In the experiment, there are three groups of mice with a varied diet. The first group ate a standard diet, the second had a B-vitamin supplement, and the third had a liver powder supplement. After several weeks, they were placed in cold water to swim. The first and second groups swam for 13.3 and 13.4 minutes, respectively. The final group, with the liver supplement, swam for over two hours. The researchers were so taken by these anti-fatigue rats, that they were ultimately released…