Everyone loves pie! Blueberry pie. Pizza pie. Steak and kidney pie. Chicken pot pie! It’s not as ‘boring’ as some of the other foods in our home. My daughter gets to bake, again. Meanwhile, I strongly believe we must continue to minimize the ‘displacing foods of modern commerce.’ Offally Creamy and Delicious Chicken Pot Pie is a hearty and nourishing meal to please all of us….
Sally Fallon
Kidneys with Hazelnut Butter Sauce, Terroir, and Native Species
This post is a continuation from last week, when I encouraged readers to choose pastured, grass-finished animals. And includes a recipe for Kidneys with Hazelnut Butter Sauce. It’s a simple recipe – the crispy, buttery nuts pair well with the fleshy kidneys. Yet, while I served these this week, the Kidneys with Hazelnut Butter are almost an afterthought compared to my musings.
I mention the importance of pastured, grass-fed, grass-finished meats often. It’s important for pursuing nutrient-density, improving store-bought pork rinds, purchasing brains, or eating raw meats such as carpaccio, heart tartare, or ground beef.
That said, I want to encourage you to continue to maintain a dialogue with your farmers. Yes, even the ones, or especially the ones, that really are doing everything right….
Kidneys and Rice (or Kidney-Rice Casserole), when less is more
I’m posting this recipe in honor of doing more by doing less. Nourishing Traditions is all about comfort food and this recipe is adapted from Sally Fallon’s Kidney-Rice Casserole. But I can’t use ‘casserole’ in the title (as I mentioned here) – so I’m sticking with Kidneys and Rice.
As the spring thaw has come to Chicago, I was really missing my bike commute. Yet, biking almost always takes longer then driving and I’ve been feeling so busy. How could I find time? Yet, as always promised, ‘less is more‘ still holds true.
I’ve managed to get back on my bike. And find a recipe just long enough to allow me to immerse myself in cooking, which I always love….
Homemade baby formula using liver and broth, and thriving
Homemade baby formula?!
I know – corporations have got a hold on this market, with great success. But before formula companies, babies survived, even thrived, on alternatives. And they still can.
Wet nurses have largely been replaced by milk banks. Alternately, we can make homemade baby formula.
For sure, mother’s milk is special in ways we probably still don’t even understand. I am not confused about that. But we can use what we do know to make something pretty good.
Ceviche 3 ways, easy raw meat appetizers for the start of summer

Mexican-Styled Ceviche
Ceviche is another easy, delicious, and familiar ‘raw meat’ appetizer. Make a simple marinade, then use tomato juice, coconut milk or fresh fruit to make a final dish.
You could argue that the meat is ‘cooked’ by the acid in the lime (or lemon) juice marinade. It’s certainly ‘predigested,’ improving absorption of available nutrients. However, in it’s unheated form, beneficial enzymes remain in tact, along with heat-sensitive B and C vitamins.